1966 - the year England won the World Cup - but unfortunately, Phoenix 1966 with a publication date of July that year was unable to include any reference to that historic event.
One historical event that is referenced in this issue of Phoenix, however, is the the General Election held that year. The School took part in it's own version to provide a duly elected member "...for the division of Drayton Manor". A number of the "1963 intake" were involved in the campaigns of the various candidates, and a report of the Election was published.

Once again our "A" stream (i.e. form 3A) had a preponderance of contributions to the original work section of the magazine. This issue includes entries from the following members of form 3A: David Carpenter, Peter Howes, Norma Warren, Bernice Clare (3 items), Patricia Brake (2 items), M Bromley (?), Jill Hawtin, Ged Nolan, and Chris Vosper.
Among the section reports, thoe from the Astronomy Club and the Maths Club mention 3rd year pupils, and some more are hearlded in the Sports Achievements.

Some items from the 1936 issues of Phoenix were also included and these have ben added to the History of Drayton Manor's Early Days section. A report of the Staff vs School Hockey match is available for perusal as is an extract from the report of the Phoenician Speech Trophy Competition which recalls the entry by one R. Wakeman [whatever happened to him?]

Some notes on Staff Changes are provided to help clarify who was teaching when. The obituary of Mr Hunter of the Geography department whose untimely death occured in 1965 is published.

For the full contents of "Phoenix 1966" - go to the Library

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