School Notes 1974-75 - from Phoenix 1975

Both continuity and change featured strongly in Drayton Manor's first year as a "reorganised" High School. Perhaps the most obvious differences were the mixed age tutor groups, the greatly expanded setting arrangements for most subjects in the third and fourth years and, most noticeably, the increased numbers in the School with long queues for lunch, capably controlled for most of the year by members of the Upper Sixth.

Other features of 1974-75 were the closer liaison developed with the Middle Schools, especially on curriculum planning; the Parents' Association's generous gift of a large number of metal lockers for pupils' books and equipment; the purpose-built Sixth Form area in full-time use from October on; the formation of a School Wind Band and two new or revived societies- the Debating Society and the Christian Union; a full programme of visits and talks for the fourth year Social Studies groups; the second year's participation in the Ealing Schools Drama Festival at the Questors Theatre; and the production of a School Play in December, three School Concerts, four House Plays in May and "Three More Melodramas" linked with the highly successful Open Day and Parents' Summer Fair in July. The outstanding event of the year, however, was the School 1st Xl's success in winning jointly with Mayesbrook Comprehensive School, Essex, the National Individual Schools Football Cup. The final, which resulted in a 1-1 draw, was a memorable occasion for all concerned. Earlier in the year, the team had won the London Schools Ebdon Cup and the Middlesex Schools Tye Cup, either of which would have been considered the major success of any other season.

At the beginning of September, Mrs. V. Rance joined the Staff as Deputy Headmistress, Mrs. S. Block as Head of Music, Mrs. E. Hetherington as Head of Art, Mr. D. Price as Head of Chemistry and Mrs. D. Reoch as Head of Home Economics. Mr. D. Arm returned as Head of French and Mrs. M. Sosabowska rejoined the English Department. As part of the considerable increase in the teaching strength, we also welcomed Mrs. V. Baker to the Home Economics Department, Mrs. E. Caddick and Mr. A. Morgan to the Mathematics Department, Mrs. S. Dare to Languages, Mr. F. Hughes to the Technical Department, Miss H. James to Physics, Mr. P. Hargrave and Miss J. Lawrence to Biology, Mrs. V. Meyers to Geography and Careers, Mrs. H. Nimmo to Commerce, Mr. A. Read to Chemistry and Miss D. Wagstaff to the History Department. Staff changes during the year included Mrs. Reoch's departure in December, Mrs. Massen's resignation in March after four years as Head of Biology and four very demanding terms as the first Head of Shaftesbury House, and Mrs. D. Lawrance's appointment as Head of Girls' P.E. at Villiers High School. At the end of April Mrs. O'Sullivan left to travel with her husband to the U.S.A. and Mr. B. Kurt retired after sixteen years on the staff of Drayton Manor. In their places we welcomed Mrs. K. Carter and Mrs. J. Ballanger (full-time) and Mrs. G. Johnson and Mrs. M. Parrott (part-time). Although there were fewer changes than usual at the end of the Summer Term, Mrs. J. Breslauer and Mr. Morgan moved to Inner London Colleges -Mrs. Breslauer after five years in charge of Commercial and Secretarial teaching; Miss H. James took a post in industry, Mrs. Caddick a teaching post in Lancashire and Mr. C. Revel an administrative appointment at the Lightfoot Sports Centre in Newcastle-on-Tyne. To all who left the staff during or at the end of the year we extend our thanks for their work and our best wishes for their future.

Visiting speakers during the year included Miss Goodwin (Local Health Visitor) every fortnight, Miss M. Hartman, O.B.E. (Women's Athletics) and representatives from Buddhist Vihara, Help the Aged, the Samaritans, the Salvation Army, the W.R.A.C. and the W.R.A.F. The Advanced Level Biology, Geography and Geology field courses took place as usual; a skiing holiday was organised in April and the Wye Valley holiday, as in recent years, in July. Pupils from various years attended performances at Covent Garden, the Coliseum, Drury Lane and the Questors Theatre, and visits were also made to Sheffield, Boulogne, Fishbourne and Chichester.

The last four weeks of the summer term were marked not only by the usual end-of-term activities but also by preparations for the largest increase in numbers that Drayton Manor has seen. With 180 pupils due to join the 2nd year from the Middle Schools and with 60 entering the 3rd year and 30 the 4th year from closing secondary schools, arrangements were made for 270 new pupils to visit the School, and timetable and accommodation planning was in progress for a total roll of about 870 pupils in September 1975, compared with the 670 in attendance during the year reviewed above.


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