School Notes 1972 - from Phoenix 1972

"School Notes" in last year's Phoenix ended with a reference to new proposals for the reorganisation of ec ucation in Ealing. Drayton Manor is included in the latest version of these proposals as one of a large number of school in which a "significant expansion" is intended. The present position and future possibilities are therefore outlined for the information of parents and Phoenicians, as well as of pupils, in the article which follows these notes.

At the end of the Spring Term Mrs. Bate accepted a teaching post in Somerset, her place in the Chemistry department being filled for the Summer Term by Mr. A. W. Overy. After thirty-six years in chargi of Boys' P. E. and games, Mr. Cherry's retirement at the end of the Summer Term was marked by presen. tations from Staff, Pupils, the Phoenicians and the Parents' Association. On another page fuller reference is made to Mr. Cherry's achievements and personality, and also to those of Mr. Mulliner and Mr. Muller who leave us to take up respectively a teaching post at Fairfield Grammar School, Bristol in September, and a postgraduate course at London University in October. Those taking the shorthand/ typewriting course in the sixth form will also miss the help and guidance of Mrs. Gostling who leaves the Staff this July. To all of them we extend our thanks and best wishes for the future.

In their place we welcome Mr. G. Williams as head of boys' P. E. and games; Mr. A. Squirrel (a Phoenician) to the Chemistry Department; and Mr. L. J. To to the Mathematics Department.

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