Birth of a School
[originally published in Phoenix number 1 - Summer 1933]

“It was an unforgettable experience to be one of the eager, hopeful band which entered and took possession of our new school on the morning of November 3rd, 1930. It was thrilling to know that we were entrusted with the task of giving the school a good start, and of shaping those traditions of which we, and those who should follow us, were some day to be proud.

One hundred and thirty-six scholars assembled on that first morning. Fortun­ately, it was fine, for the asphalt surrounds were not yet laid, and the field appeared an uneven mass of clay, bricks and coarse weeds, intersected by rails, with tip-trucks, and all sorts of builder’s debris.

These things mattered little, for we were all filled with the pioneer spirit and enjoying the enviable experience of being the first scholars and staff of a school whose history would reach to the end of the century and beyond. We were fully aware of the responsibility resting upon us of seeing that the foundations of the real school-the living school-were as well and truly laid as the foundations of the building itself. Accordingly, at the first of the short services with which our day’s work always opens, we sang “Onward Christian Soldiers” and meant it!”

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